At a video conference meeting the morning of May 9, 2020, we discussed the upcoming 144th Illinois State Trapshoot which was scheduled for this June.  Because of the conditions and restrictions in our State, we have decided, along with the management of Brittany Shooting Park, to reschedule the 144th Illinois State Trapshoot.  We are all concerned about the safety and health of our members, visitors and attendees and the conditions facing our country.  Therefore, a decision has been made to that the 144th Illinois State Trapshoot will be held from July 27th to August 2, 2020.  Additionally, the Board has also scheduled another video conference meeting on June 20th, where we hope to have a better understanding of the situation and the challenges we may be facing.  The board of directors unanimously decided to waive all target requirements for all Illinois Zone shoots and the State shoot if these are all able to be held.

From all of us, may you and your families stay safe during these times and we hope to see everyone when shooting resumes. Please support your local trap clubs as they open.