ATA Delegate Reports

Monthly reports from our Illinois ATA Delegate

Hi everyone. I want to start off by talking about several milestones that have been reached by our shooters. Kim Schaefer and Roger Proctor have shot 25,000 Handicap targets. Michael Gill has shot 75,000 and Mike Dennis has shot 100,000 Handicap targets. Gary Crowe has shot 50,000 Singles and Larry White has shot 100,000 of them.
Illinois shooters have shot extremely well at the early shoots across the Midwest. Some highlights are: Frank Haynes won the out of state Singles Championship at Missouri and Steve Margherio won the Doubles. I have a hard time getting information off of the ATA website so I can't tell you winners. I can tell you that Ian Lawrence, Garrett Helms, Mike Dennis and Frank Payne posted some consistent, really good scores at the US Open. At Kansas, Mike Dennis won the Vet HAA and Frank Payne won the Senior Vet HAA.
Now for the Illinois AIM shoot. The shoot was over the weekend of June 8-9 and was a huge success. We had about a 150 more kids than we have ever had before. Needless to say, the place was humming. After the dust settled the winners were, Singles: Brady Cox, Doubles: Jacob Fournie, Handicap: Parker Fleming and HAA: Dausan Hemker. Great shooting guys.
The Illinois State Shoot ran from June 11 to June 16 and was another big success. Our numbers were way up, and we were comfortably a comp 5 shoot. The weather was fantastic and great scores kept popping up like dandelions. When the smoke cleared, the winners were, Ron Wolf won the Singles, Landon Sievers won the Doubles and Wyatt Williams won the Handicap, HAA and HOA. On behalf of the Mohrs, the Board of Directors and myself, we want to thank everyone who was there for making this shoot so great.    
Shoot well and support your local clubs.
Bill Duncan, ATA Delegate