ATA Delegate Reports

Monthly reports from our Illinois ATA Delegate

Hi everyone. I have to begin with some sad news. Don Herdes passed away around Christmas time. Don ran his own construction business and had many other hobbies besides trapshooting. The cumulative effect on him made it very hard for him to shoot in the last years of his life. When Don was in his prime, however, there was no one any better than him at trapshooting in Illinois. The highlight of his career was him winning the 2012 Grand American Handicap Championship. Don was a funny, thoughtful person who always had good ideas on how to improve trapshooting. The thing I liked best about Don was that he was an honest man, and I always knew where I stood with him. Rest well my friend. We are all going to miss you.

I was looking at the schedule of shoots, on the ISTA website, and saw an exciting trend. A lot more small clubs are hosting Big 50 shoots this target year. I have listened to shooters say they are not going to drive just to shoot 50 targets. I admit I was one of those guys that were against Big 50 shoots when they were first created. I like to think I am older and wiser now. Big 50's are a great way to shoot targets. It is a lot less tiring and only costs half as much. If you are near a club throwing these targets, go shoot them. I know you will have a great time.

I received a phone call last night with some terrible news. Adam Fabisiak was in a very serious car accident down in Florida over the Christmas holidays. Adam is a Northern Zone shooter, an all stater and a super nice guy. He has been in the hospital since the accident and is hoping to get home to Illinois soon. I'm sure Adam would appreciate a phone call, text or e-mail from his many friends as he is recuperating. Get well soon, Adam. We need you.
By the time you read this shooting will be starting up. Shoot well, enjoy your friends and support your local club.
Bill Duncan, ATA Delegate