ATA Delegate Reports

Monthly reports from our Illinois ATA Delegate

Hello Shooters!

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season. Now it's time to start the new year with a new attitude. We all know trapshooting is 80% mental. The more positive we are, the better our scores are going to be. So let's all go into the 2018 target year with a positive attitude and have one of our best years yet! Set your goals for the year (making the state team, going for the All American team or breaking our first 100 straight) and take the steps necessary to achieve those goals. Practice and dedication pay off, so support your local clubs and go out and give it your all! The ISTA is working on moving the Hall of Fame. They are going to add onto the ISTA (registration) building at Brittany on the west end. They are working on becoming a 501-c3 to accept donations to help get the building going, and are just waiting on the state to approve them as an entity. The blueprint is almost complete and will begin construction when the funds are ready.


I'm excited to hear about all of your success stories in the future. Send them in an email to me and I would love to put them in the article!


Happy Shooting!


Lauren Mueller


ATA Delegate