ATA Delegate Reports

Monthly reports from our Illinois ATA Delegate

Hello shooters!

Hopefully by now everyone has recovered from the holidays and are getting ready to get back into shooting again. I'm sure some of you will be heading down to Tucson or Florida and I would love to hear how many trophies you brought home! Shoot me an email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Also, by the time you read this, the Illinois Hall of Fame will be a 501c-3 and can start taking donations. The blueprints for the building are getting their final touches and will begin construction as soon as the funds are there. Dennis Baker is on the board and will be handling the donations, so if you are interested in donating, please get a hold of him. Every little bit helps!

For those of you who are looking to make plans for the 2018 AIM and ISTA State Shoots, the dates will be June 9 and 10 for AIM and 11-17 for ISTA. I do want to mention that if you want to keep your camping spots from last year, you will have to get a hold of me by May 1, 2018, to reserve it. Looking forward to another year of great scores and great memories with you all! See you soon! Lauren Mueller

ATA Delegate