ATA Delegate Reports

Monthly reports from our Illinois ATA Delegate

Hello shooters!

 Hopefully by now you’ve all swept the dust off your gun and have taken advantage of the weather to send a few rounds down range. Shooting season will be in full swing before you know it!

 I’ve had several texts and emails asking about dates for state shoots this year. June is a busy month for it! The Illinois State High School Clay Target League has their state shoot June 2nd and 3rd. They have 2 days this year because of how fast word is spreading and the amount of teams has increased drastically. We don’t have a number yet for how many, but from word of mouth, sounds like it’s going to be boomin’! The AIM State shoot will be June 9th (200 Singles) and 10th (100 doubles, 100 handicap).

 The ISTA State Shoot will be June 11-17. We have changed the program a bit this year! Instead of doing 200 singles on Thursday, we are knocking the Class Singles to 100 targets and adding 100 doubles. Be sure to let me know if you do or don’t like the change in the program.

 Something else that will be changing is our website. It isn’t complete yet, but it is getting close! The old website wasn’t mobile friendly, so we have changed that. We also plan on updating more, adding new spotlights and making it overall more user friendly. I will share the link for that as soon as it is complete!

 Don’t forget to catch an IL Zone shoot this year to qualify for the state team. You do have to shoot the 200 singles, 100 doubles and 100 handicap at any of the 3 zones to qualify, as well as the HAA 200 singles, 100 doubles and 100 handicap at the IL State Shoot. There was a big jump in participation from the first year I figured the teams to the second, and I hope to see that continue! Competition is what keeps the sport rollin’!

 Hope to see you all soon!

 Lauren Mueller

 ATA Delegate