ATA Delegate Reports

Monthly reports from our Illinois ATA Delegate

Hello shooters!

There's a lot coming up! Hope you've been getting ready for everything coming at ya!

Don't forget - to make the state team, you have to shoot in one of the IL Zone shoots. The Central Zone shoot is in Peoria and the Southern Zone shoot is in Bunker Hill in May. Be sure to get out and shoot one to qualify! There were a lot more people that qualified this past year compared to the one before and I hope to see that trend continue!

The state shoot is coming up quickly now. Can't wait to see you all again! If you want the same camping spot from last year, be sure to let me know by May 1.  I have received a lot of emails from people so far, which is great. Don't want anyone to miss out! To reserve from last year or to save one for this year, my email is This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

There was a great turnout of IL shooters at the Spring Grand in Tucson, AZ - 33 shooters! I was keeping up with the IL names on the leader boards as well. Some names I saw a few times - Ian Lawrence, Mike Westjohn, Chase Horton, Drew Strohecker, Alex York, Bill Lawrence, Dan and Sue Staker, Ken Rigler, Dale Miller, Brian Frost, Charlie Bickle and Ken Rogowski. Great job representing our state down there!


Lauren Mueller

ATA Delegate