ATA Delegate Reports

Monthly reports from our Illinois ATA Delegate

Hello shooters!

It's State Shoot time! Last year, we had several shooters make it to the 27 for the first time, gave out several 100 straight pins for the first time someone broke 100 at our State Shoot, and numerous people were telling me they had shot the best scores they had for a while. Let's keep that tradition going! I've checked trophy lists from a few of the bigger shoots this year and some of you have been on fire. Thanks again for representing the State of Illinois across the map and reminding them that we have some of the toughest shooters in the country!

If you haven't gotten a chance yet, be sure to check out the improved website (! The board has been working on tweaking and finding the best way to disseminate information. Look for some changes in the near future! You can also find the monthly delegate report on there as well. If you haven't yet, you can "like" the ISTA page on Facebook with the tag @IllinoisTrapshooters and get some more information there. Also, the Illinois Hall of Fame is now a 501c3. They are still looking for funds to help build the building. It will be built onto the west side of the ISTA building. If you would like to make a donation, contact any of the directors. Every bit helps!

Hope to write your name in the next article when I mention the champions! Good luck shooters!

Lauren Mueller 

ATA Delegate