ATA Delegate Reports

Monthly reports from our Illinois ATA Delegate

Hi everyone. I want to start out with some special milestones of Illinois shooters. Dave Dressler has now reached 500,000 targets in his career. Dave was just inducted into the Illinois Hall of Fame this past year. These two achievements, to my way of thinking, go hand-in-hand. Talent is not enough. Just as important is dedication and commitment. This many targets pushed Dave to the top of Illinois shooters, and he deserves all the praise imaginable. Congrats, Dave. You have earned it!
A couple of months back I told you Randy Miller had shot 100,000 combined targets. That was incorrect. Randy actually has shot 100,000 Singles targets. He broke a 98 with a 35 mile per hour wind at his back to get that milestone. Again, talent, dedication and commitment can push people to the top. Congrats, Randy and sorry about the screw up.
Finally, Gerald Goudey has shot 25,000 Handicap targets. Congrats, Gerald.
Illinois shooters have been shooting well at both the Spring Grand and Southern Grand. No major wins, but we have placed well in categories, yardage groups and classes. Keep it up everyone.
Shooting is picking up again in Illinois so let me take this opportunity to wish everyone good luck this year. Shoot well and support your local club.
Bill Duncan, ATA Delegate