ATA Delegate Reports

Monthly reports from our Illinois ATA Delegate

Hi everyone. I want to start out by congratulating Lawrence Gillum for reaching the 50,000 Doubles milestone. Nice shooting Lawrence.
I also want to congratulate the Lindenwood University shooting team for winning the ACUI-SCTP National Championship at San Antinio, Texas in March. It came down to a shoot off and the team showed their mettle by pulling it out. There are several Illinois shooters on the Lindenwood team, and they did themselves proud.
I am very happy to report that the Multi-State challenge shoot I told you about a few months ago was a huge success. It easily became a points shoot and should pave the way for other shoots like this to pop up around the country. The winners were Singles: Hunter Prockish, Doubles: Steve Margherio, Handicap: Joshua Kenkel, HAA: Izaac Zihlman and HOA: Greyson Bollinger. Congratulations to the shooters and clubs, you did yourself proud.
I am happy to report that the new Hall of Fame is done. All that remains is to move the pictures and memorabilia from the old hall to the new one. This has only happened because of the generosity and hard work of so many people. Please come to the annual meeting, at the state shoot, where I can fill you in on everything that has happened. Some people I especially want to thank are Gary Minor, Jesse Tedrick, Mike Dennis, Dave Dressler, Frank Payne, John Kravanek, Dennis Baker, Bill Huhn, Pat Haskins and all the Board of Directors. 
Shoot well and support your local club.
Bill Duncan, ATA Delegate