ATA Delegate Reports

Monthly reports from our Illinois ATA Delegate

Hello shooters!

The new target year is just beginning! Don't put your guns away too soon, we still have a few big events! Labor Day Weekend (Sept 1-3), the Illini Indians Pow Wow is held at Brittany Shooting Park. The Northern Zone Shoot is September 8 & 9 at Downer's Grove Sportsman's Club. The weather is beautiful and it's a great club to start out the target year. It will also count as your zone shoot to meet the requirements for the State Team. 

 I saw several of you out traveling to different state shoots the past few weeks and I enjoyed seeing your names on the trophy lists! A big congratuations to Mike Obert for breaking his 100,000th doubles target in Minnesota. I went and helped put on the Kentucky, Wisconsin and Indiana state shoots. A few notable mentions: in Kentucky, Alex York broke his 3rd and 4th 100 straight in doubles (after breaking his 1st ever a month prior at our state shoot)! In Wisconsin, Chase Horton left with 9 trophies - 2 of the events he had the high non-resident score! In Indiana, Ian Lawrence took home 8 trophies with one event he had non-resident high score! 

 I look forward to writing in the next article about the big winners from the grand! 

Happy Shooting!

Lauren Mueller
ATA Delegate