ATA Delegate Reports

Monthly reports from our Illinois ATA Delegate

Hello shooters!

What a grand this year! It ended up being up about 4%. It was awesome seeing IL all over the leaderboard! I went through and counted all the trophies that IL took home this year, and I counted 199! That's incredible! 91 different shooters took home trophies! The big winners were Ziggy Tkaczenko (20 trophies), Chase Horton (15 trophies), Larry Norton (11 trophies), Lauren Mueller (11 trophies), Tony Fortino (10 trophies) and Ian Lawrence (7 trophies). The weather was awesome and the target setting was some of the best I've seen out there. The staff all worked hard, the grounds looked good and there wasn't much to complain about. Hope you all had as good of a time as I did. 

There have been some rule changes to start the 2019 target year. One big one is that there will no longer be an 18 yard line. It was voted on at the Grand and starting September 1, those who were at the 18 will be punched to the 19. Those of you at the 18 should have been notified through the mail. That being said, the 1 yard between posts for squadding has been taken out too. Now, it reads "2 yards on adjacent posts and 3 yards in the squad for ALL yardages." The ATA has also eliminated the money punches. All yardage punches will be based on score now. Scores of 100 will get at least 1.5 yards, scores of 99, 98 and 97 will be at least 1 yard, and a score of 96 will be at least a half yard (unless they get more based on the yardage table).

The next article I will hopefully be able to announce the state team, so be looking for that!

Happy shooting!

Lauren Mueller

ATA Delegate