ATA Delegate Reports

Monthly reports from our Illinois ATA Delegate

Hello Shooters!

It's that time of the year again. Winter is wrapping up and everyone's getting the itch to go out and shoot again. Before you go out to the line this year, take a step back and check out how the last year treated you. Did you meet your goals? It's important to have your sights set on something for the year. It's what gives you the drive to do better. Just make sure you can tell the difference between short term and long term goals. Both are great to have! You can't get upset if you don't earn 4 yards in 4 weeks though. It's okay to make them tough, but make sure you stay realistic. The amount of All Americans from the State of IL is incredible. Keep it up! Just make sure you don't forget to shoot at your local clubs too. Chasing points is fun, but monthly shoots are good ways to get in some more targets for the state team!

Down in Tucson for the Autumn Grand, as I was watching the scores, Garrett Helms' name just seemed to come up every time with some impressive scores! Finishing with the third highest score on the All Around is pretty impressive. Mike Westjohn was one of the only six 200's on the Championship Singles. Way to represent!

Don't forget to share with me the good stuff you're seeing at the shoots! I want to know what you would like to hear about in my articles. Please send them to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Happy Shooting!

Lauren Mueller

ATA Delegate