ATA Delegate Reports

Monthly reports from our Illinois ATA Delegate

Hello Shooters!

It's getting to be time to get the guns out and start blasting again!  Make sure you let me know what's been going on at your clubs so I can put it in my next article!

Several people have been asking about the State Shoot dates.  They are going to be June 10-16, 2019.

One big shoot we have coming up is the Texas-Illinois Challenge Cup.  I do believe this is going to be a big shoot, so come on down to Brittany Shooting Park to help us kick some Texas butt!  There will be $1,000 to the HAA Champion and $500 to the Champion of each Discipline (high shooter from either TX or IL).  White Flyer has donated $1,500 for a combined Lewis Class between the two clubs.  It will consist of 200 Singles on Saturday, April 27 and 100 Doubles and 100 Handicap on Sunday, April 28.  There will be a traveling trophy between the two clubs for the top 5 High All Around combined scores.  You do not have to be from Illinois or Texas to compete.

There is also a new AIM Director - Josh Baker.  If you have any questions for the upcoming year, you can get a hold of him at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  The AIM State shoot will be held at Brittany Shooting Park on June 8 & 9th.  

Please don't hesitate to get me some information for the article.  I love telling how awesome our Illinois shooters are!  Send the information to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Good luck shooters!

Lauren Mueller

ATA Delegate