ATA Delegate Reports

Monthly reports from our Illinois ATA Delegate

Hello Shooters!

Hope you all have a great time at the Open, the AIM State shoot and the ISTA State Shoot!  Make sure after you win a trophy that you get a picture taken!  You may see it in Trap & Field!

I went down to San Antonio for the Southwest Grand and saw several familiar faces there.  One that really stood out was Garrett Helms.  He managed to win Champion in 4 of the 5 events!  He lost the Singles, then proceeded to take event Champion in the Doubles, Handicap, High Over All and High All Around!  Very impressive shooting!

We had our first annual Texas-Illinois Challenge Cup.  The weather didn't cooperate with either club, but I'd say we had the worse end of it.  Randy Miller won the Doubles Champion between the two clubs, but Waco managed to take the other disciplines.  We'll have to come back next year with a vengeance!  I wanted to take this opportunity to thank White Flyer for their generous donation.  We look forward to working together in the future!

We are still looking for donations to start building the ISTA HOF building.  It will have a beautiful display of our history and function as a place to make it more efficient to hand out trophies at the State Shoot.

See ya on the line!

Lauren Mueller

ATA Delegate