ATA Delegate Reports

Monthly reports from our Illinois ATA Delegate

Hello Shooters!

June was a month full of state shooting!  We stared with the High School League State Shoot the first Saturday.  Attendance went from 380 last year to 537 this year!  Huge jump in attendance and we're expecting the same kind of growth (if not more) for next year!  Josh and Beth Baker did an awesome job for their first year as AIM Directors.  We ended up having 321 shooters this year, putting us up about 40 shooters for the event!  The Singles Champion was Landon Dent, who broke his first 200 straight!

The ISTA State Shoot was down a bit in attendance, but still ended up running smooth despite the weather for the week.  Dennis Baker did a great job as President for the State and now Mike Dennis will be our ISTA President.  As usual, we had several firsts.  Kyle Fabisiak broke his first 100 straight as the age of 11!  What a feat!  Alex Miller, Boedy Baker and Justin Cavett broke their first 100 straights in Singles!  Jim McCammon broke his 100,000th Doubles target!  Moving onto the big winners for the weekend:  my squad mate, Mike Jordan, won Singles Champion after a shoot off against Mike Hathaway with a perfect 200.  The Doubles Champion, after a shoot off with Hayden Hemrich and Jeremiah Schultz, was Bill Grill, with a score of 98.  Handicap Champion, after a shoot off with Mark Fielder, was Hayden Hemrich, with a score of 98.  The All Around winner, after a shoot off with Hayden Hemrich, was Chase Horton, with a score of 392.  Chase also won the High Over All Champion outright with a score of 1153.  Congratulations to all of the winners!  Everyone who won Champion or Champion of their categories are eligible to shoot in the Champion of Champions event at the Grand American. 

We are still looking for donations to start building the new building for the Illinois Hall of Fame.  Every little bit helps, so please contact Dennis Baker or Bill Duncan, if you are interested in helping get the process started.  If you didn't see the tentative blueprints at the State Shoot this year, you can see them any time at the current Illinois Hall of Fame at Brittany Shooting Park.

Please feel free to contact me with any comments/suggestions for what you would like to see next year.  Thanks for all your support this past year and am looking forward to a good 2020 target year as well!

Lauren Mueller, ATA Delegate