ATA Delegate Reports

Monthly reports from our Illinois ATA Delegate

Hello shooters!

I write to you after the completion of the ATA Central Zone Shoot. There were 10 locations across the Midwest competing for trophies. Brittany was the "winning-est" club, winning 24 of the 96 trophies offered for the weekend. Good job shooters! 

While I'm on the subject of Zone shoots, the Illinois Northern Zone shoot is going to be in Downer's Grove on September 7 & 8. If you are wanting to qualify for the state team, this will be one of your zone requirements. You can get it in early, or catch the Central and Southern zones in May. They will be throwing 200 singles on the 7th and 100 doubles and 100 handicap respectively on the 8th. See you there!

While I was up in Wisconsin, a score sheet came in with a 100 straight from the 27 yard line... I cannot tell you how excited I was to see that it was our very own Ian Lawrence! He completed his grand slam on Friday's handicap event. What a huge accomplishment. Randy Miller broke his 75,000th handicap target at the ATA central zone shoot at Brittany in July. Tim Marucco broke his 50,000th handicap target in July at Rend Lake, on top of winning the 400 bird handicap event.

We are still looking for donations to break ground on building the new ISTA HOF building. We can't do it without your help!

With it being a new target year, don't forget to renew your ISTA membership. You can go to any gun club in the state for one of their registered shoots and purchase one. Now is also the time to set goals for your new target year. Decide on short-term goals for yourself and revisit your long-term goals to see how it's coming along. 

Please don't hesitate to keep me updated on accomplishments at your club! I'd love to hear about peoples' firsts and their big wins. Send them to me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Good luck and see you on the line!

Lauren Mueller

ATA Delegate