Minutes of the ISTA Board of Directors Meeting on December 10, 2022 
Southern Zone: Dennis Baker, Lauren Dunn, John Kravanek, Frank Payne
Central Zone: Steve Carver, Mike Dennis, Bill Maiden - ex, Kevin Wunder
Northern Zone: Charlie Bickle, Patrick Haskins, Bill Huhn, Stan Systo 
Others: Bill Duncan, ATA Delegate
SECRETARY’S REPORT – Pat Haskins made a motion to waive the reading of the minutes and accept as presented by email from the Secretary. Charlie Bickle seconded the motion. Motion carried.
TREASURER’S REPORT – Mike Dennis gave the Treasurer’s report in the absence of a Board Treasurer. Dennis Baker made a motion to approve the Treasurer’s report as presented. Charlie Bickle seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Gries Fund – Mike Dennis confirmed that the Gries fund would be dispersed by contributing $1000 annually to each of the three zones till gone. Each zone should use by offering in a Lewis fund or as Added money at their Zone Shoots.
Baker Farms Miss and Out - Dennis Baker has decided to cancel the Miss and Out event. Dennis will instead offer added money to Wednesday’s events as follows. A total of $1020. The top 10 scores in each event will be paid as follows. Ties divide 1st - $70; 2nd - $50; 3rd - $40; 4th - $30; 5th - $25; 6th - $25; 7th - $25, 8th - $25; 9th - $25; 10th - $25.
Porta Potties at State Shoot - The board is suggesting to BSP management to discuss the following complaints with the current company that supplies the portable toilets at the state shoot:
1) The need to clean and empty more often, especially after the AIM weekend and possibly daily during the final three busy days at the end of the shoot.
2) Possibly search for a new company who can improve on the service to the campers and shooting guests.
Ways to Improve Squadding Issues - After much discussion, it was decided that we include a sentence or two in the General Information section of the State program stating the following. Management reserves the right to limit the number of waves and suggest to late entries the need to consolidate one and two man squads. Management also reserves the right to move squads to open banks to speed up the completion of the shoot at management discretion.
Update on Portable Radios - Mike Dennis researched and reported that he found a company that can provide better radios at the following estimated costs. Roughly $50 each. Steve Carver made a motion to purchase 16 radios prior to the 2023 State Shoot. Pat Haskins seconded the motion. Motion carried.
New Treasurer - Mike Dennis reported on his efforts on reaching out to Ned Meyer on the various duties of the Treasurer position. Upon review, Mike has respectfully declined the position. Stating that time constraints would make it difficult to fully accept all of these duties himself. After much discussion, Dennis Baker made a motion to form a committee to work with Edward Jones and Scheffel Boyle Certified Public Accountants and share the duties of the Treasurer. Mike Dennis, Lauren Dunn and Bill Huhn have agreed to make up this committee. Steve Carver seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Review State Shoot Program - Quantity to order: According to the information that Trump Direct printers provided to Joan, it was learned that 900 programs were printed. According to Mikayla Lehman, who is general manager, only 612 of those were mailed. Joan provided the complete mailing list in her last email. She suggested that we all review the list and send her additions to be added to this list for next year. Upon much discussion, it was suggested by Dennis Baker to increase the printing to 1000 for next year. John Kravanek and Mike Dennis said that they would need at least 50 or more programs to distribute at the various satellite grands and state shoots they attend. To do so, we will need to print the programs by the end of February. It was also suggested that we compare the current mailing list to those who attended the State Shoot in 2022 and add those who may not have been on the original mailing list. Dennis Baker suggested a group of 3 to review and proofread the program sometime in early February. 
Hall of Fame Nominees - Jim Lyons and Dave Dressler were nominated for induction to the Hall of Fame. Both men were successfully voted to be inducted into the ISTA Hall of Fame during ceremonies at the 2023 Illinois State Shoot. Congratulations to Jim Lyons and Dave Dressler.
Hall of Fame Nominating Committee - Frank Payne and Stan Systo suggested the forming of a nominating committee for future Hall of Fame Candidates. After some discussion, it was decided to have one person from each zone make up this committee. It was agreed that John Kravanek, Bill Maiden and Charlie Bickle will make up this committee. Charlie Bickle was appointed Chairman.
Hall of Fame Building Update - Dennis Baker reported we have a total of $42,724.00 in the building fund. Dennis is working on estimates for concrete and framing of the proposed addition. The proposal is to add a 36 x 32 foot addition to our current classification building. Our goal is to have the concrete and framing to include a vaulted roof done prior to our State Shoot in June.
Hall of Fame Logo Contest - Pat Haskins suggested the need to develop an official logo for the ISTA HOF. Discussions ensued and Pat Haskins made a motion to have a contest to include all Sub-Junior and Junior shooters, 18 and under. Candidates should submit artwork by June 1st.  A committee will pick the top three logos submitted. All three of the winners will receive a Life Membership to the ISTA. A vote will be held on Friday by the directors. The winner will have their Target fees paid for the three weekend Championship target events. Dennis Baker seconded the motion. Motion carried. It was suggested that this contest be added to our website by Dan Schocke. 
ATA DELEGATE REPORT- Bill Duncan shared that the ATA Winter meeting will take place this coming Tuesday. Not much to report at this time until after this meeting.
NEXT MEETING DATE – April 22, 2023, at 11:00 AM at Scheels, Springfield, IL
ADJOURNMENT -- Mike Dennis made a motion to adjourn. Steve Carver seconded the motion. Motion Carried.
Respectfully submitted,
Bill Huhn
(covering for ISTA Secretary)